Monday, September 24, 2012

The 11+ homework package

I have had a few calls regarding when the various home works have to be done and some mums have really got worried they had to get more done than they have to.

The way the homework works is that every time the children come to me activates the next homework file, so this week and last week activate only the first file, homework 1.

So for clarity lets go through it once more;
1. The Verbal Reasoning Word Manual - print that off and start working with your child on learning the meanings of the words. There is a piece of work to do with each list which once completed I will mark. There are 18 word lists and I would expect you to work through 6 each term, so by Christmas you should be at the end of list number 6, by Easter, list number 12 and July, list number 18. I will work with the pupils on these words and presume they will know the meanings by those times.
2. The Verbal Reasoning Audio Answer Book - along side the manual there are audio files, which I haven't given you yet, and this is the booklet for the answers to be done in. I will mark all of the work.
3. There is a third pdf which shows all the homework files contents, this is so you can make sure it is all completed.
4. The homework files themselves; these generally contain WORD and EXCEL w/sheets. I will explain how the EXCEL worksheets work when we start to use them as they are read only and will not save once the pupil has written on them. They are interactive so they will tell your child whether they are right or wrong, so they do not need to be printed off before they use them.

Dates for each homework file is kept in the waiting room and it is displayed on the noticeboard. If you look at the bottom of the timetable for when pupils attend there is a number and that corresponds to the homework you are on.

Once they have completed the work and it is printed off, then place it in the 'To Do' section at the front of the folders and I will be able to mark and place it in the correct place. Do this with all tests, sheets and word lists.

Once you have settled to doing this it does get easier and you will find in the end the pupils themselves will be telling you what they need run off and what they have to do, so no worries, any questions or concerns, please contact me.

All the best to you all and I will see you at over the next few weeks.

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