Monday, February 25, 2013

MP3 Files as tests - 11+ information

Over the half term break I have been playing around with producing MP3 files to accompany the Verbal Reasoning Words Manual and have produced the tests for Words List 7 up to and including Word List 11. 

I am hoping this will make the situation easier for those of you who have Apple software and have been having problems getting the Power Points to open and play. Obviously, these files are just spoken and there will be no words list in front of the students whilst they complete the tests; if you wish your child to have a list then feel free to give them a copy of the list, making sure it hasn't all the definitions on them.

Short MP4s on their way

I am also exploring the possibilities of producing some MP4 material which you will be able to download onto any device which is MP4 compatible.

 I am hoping, yet again, this will alleviate the Power Point issues and distraught parents unable to access revision materials.

These files will eventually cover varying aspects of the 11+ scheme, whichever guise it chooses to take in the end, as well as Key Stage 2 and 3 mathematics and English. Eventually I want to produce some revision for GCSE mathematics as well, but that will not happen in the near future.

One produced, I will let you know on the blog and if there is anyone who would like any of this revision material who is not at present on my tutoring list, please feel free to contact me and we can have a chat.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Tempting fate

It is getting close to the point where I want to give out prizes (as promised) to the best stories produced for page six in the Verbal Reasoning Word Manual.
If you are one of my 11+ students and you haven't completed this story can you please make sure your entry is completed for after half term holiday please. I will then call in ALL stories whether I have seen them or not and make my final choices. Good luck and remember to use all your grammar, punctuation and story writing skills.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Calling all year 4s

The unit we have been doing on creating and costing a party is quickly coming to an end and the final piece is to produce a story called, "Now the party is over". This is proving to be quite a tough one for some of you so what I have done is create a starting point of a story so as to give you an idea how you can turn this into a piece of fiction writing.
The party I was doing was a dinner party for a group of my friends and it was in the winter so the weather caught them...... anyway read the opening and see if you can use some of these ideas as a starting point for yours.....

Now the party is over…..

I came downstairs and looked around the living room. Covered in people, sleeping bags and snoring, the majority of my friends decided they may as well stay over rather than face the snow which had been falling all night. Now I stumbled into the kitchen and started hunting out the bread and the toaster.
The phone rang and one of the sleepy heads woke up enough to find the phone and answer it, “Hello, yes, um, yes, she’s here do you want to talk to her she’s still asleep? OK I’ll tell her you called,” and with that the room went quiet.
I started the toaster; the smell of cooking bread wafted out into the living room and people started stirring. Scratching their heads they stumbled into the kitchen and looked for plates, cups, the tea/coffee and all the things which make life worth living first thing in the morning.

When you start writing your story make it as interesting and as descriptive as you can. If you can place humour in it then please do, its always great to read something which has humour in it.........

Thursday, February 7, 2013

new email address

For anyone wishing to contact me at jobelltutoring, the email address has changed as of 7 February 2013. It is now;

I look forward to your emails to this new address.